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Installing jdbcKona/MSSQLServer

This document tells you how to install the dynamic link libraries for jdbcKona/MSSQLServer.

This driver is deprecated

The jdbcKona/MSSQLServer type 2 JDBC driver is deprecated. Deprecated features remain for backwards compatibility only but are slated for removal from the WebLogic Server in the near future. They exist only for WebLogic Server deployments that have not yet migrated to other solutions. Specifically, this driver has not been and will not be updated to match the latest DMBS features or platform developments nor has it been updated to run under a JDK 1.2 environment. While this driver may work in many customer situations, some customers have had problems.

If you wish to acquire a driver to connect to Microsoft SQLServer, you should use the jdbcKona/MSSQLServer type 4 JDBC driver available from BEA. For more information, see BEA WebLogic JDBC Drivers.

Note: If you will be using jdbcKona/MSSQLServer, you must be running version 6.50.258 (or the most recent release) of MS SQL Server 6.5. The latest patches are available from Microsoft. You will need at least Service Pack 3 (or the most recent patch). Installation of this patch requires that you have already installed Windows NT Service Pack 3.

Add the weblogic\bin directory to your PATH

All of the drivers for all supported platforms are included in the distribution kit in the directory weblogic\bin. If you are using Microsoft SDK for Java as your JVMWhat's a JVM? with jdbcKona/Oracle, please see Notes for Microsoft SDK for Java users.


Instructions for installing on Windows

Add the distribution directory
to your PATH

If you are using Symantec Cafe or other debuggers, also:

Copy weblogicsql25.dll and weblogicsql25_g.dll
into cafe\bin and cafe\java\bin, or into the appropriate directory for your IDE.

The .dll with the _g has been linked with javai_g.dll for better compatibility with debuggers like Cafe's. You should copy both .dlls (for example, weblogicsql25_g.dll and weblogicsql25.dll) into cafe\bin and cafe\java\bin.

Notes for Microsoft SDK for Java users

If you are using Microsoft SDK for Java with jdbcKona/Oracle, you will need install a different .dll for the jdbcKona/Oracle driver and use SDK version 3.1 or greater. You will also need to install a separate .dll to work with your debugger.

Microsoft SDK for Java
Add the distribution directory
to your PATH Or
Copy weblogicmssql25.dll
into c:\winnt or c:\windows.

If you are using Symantec Cafe or other debuggers, also:

Copy weblogicmssql25.dll and weblogicmssql25_g.dll
into cafe\bin
and into c:\winnt or c:\windows, or into the appropriate directory for your IDE.

The .dll with the _g has been linked with javai_g.dll for better compatibility with debuggers like Cafe's. You should copy both .dlls (for example, weblogicmssql25_g.dll and weblogicmssql25.dll) into cafe\bin and cafe\java\bin.

Top of the page

Check your connection to the database

The WebLogic distribution includes a Java application to help you in setting up jdbcKonaWhat's jdbcKona?. To use this helper app:

  1. Make sure that the WebLogic distribution is in a directory in your CLASSPATHWhat's a CLASSPATH?.
  2. At the command line, type the following:
      $ java utils.dbping MSSQLSERVER user password db
For more detailed instructions on how to verify your connection to a DBMS, see Testing connections.

More resources


Applet programming

If you are planning to use JDBC in an appletWhat's an applet?, you will need to refer to the Developers Guide Using WebLogic JDBC. Because of browser limitations with native methods, you can't use jdbcKona/MSSQLServer in an applet.

Code examples

We also ship a number of code examples in the distribution that will help you get started. Code examples are located in the weblogic/examples/ directory in the distribution. Particularly, check weblogic/examples/jdbc/mssqlserver for examples of simple jdbcKona/MSSQLServer applications.


Back to the WebLogic installation instructions


Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 01/13/1999